Afrivex Oloyin Beans (2KG)

Afrivex Oloyin Beans (2KG)

Our Price 2500.00 ($5.25)


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Manufacturer Afrivex Food

Afrivex Oloyin Beans (2KG)

Afrivex Oloyin Beans (2KG)

About the product

·         Honey Beans is high in Protein (for the building and repair of body tissues among other things) Beans contains complex carbohydrate for energy and protein. Because of this, beans are digested slowly, which helps keep blood glucose stable, and may curtail fatigue and irritability.

·         It helps lower cholesterol thereby lowering risk of heart disease. Brown Beans contains folate (for body tissues that have fast cell production and turnover, such as bone marrow and the intestinal tract)

·         Honey Beans also contains potassium (for the proper function of all cells, tissues and organs in the body). Healthy adults need at least 2000 milligrams per day, and 1cup of beans provide over 2296 milligrams.

Aside from protein, complex carbs and fiber, beans contain a powerhouse of nutrients including

Beans provide myriad health benefits, and they fit into several different food groups: Although they are rich in complex carbs like breads and starches, as a plant-based food, they feel right at home in the vegetable group, offering an array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, like their veggie companions. They can also hold their own in the protein group, supplying protein aplenty. Unlike some other members of this group, beans provide little to no fat and are cholesterol-free. In fact, beans actually lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels instead of potentially causing them to increase, as some animal proteins have been shown to do.

Though they’ve been around for centuries, beans are a modern-day superfood.

The first thing people complain about when they talk about beans is gas; Why do beans gives us gas? Many edible beans contain oligosaccharides, a type of sugar molecule, an anti-oligosaccharide enzyme is necessary to properly digest these sugar molecules unfortunately the normal human digestive tract does not contain the molecules. The job of digestion is then typically done by bacteria in the large intestine; this digestion process produces flatulence-causing gases as a byproduct.
How Can We Avoid/Reduce Gas?
Soak your beans prior to cooking 4-6hr or overnight. Soaking loosens the skin and releases the gas causing oligosaccharide.
Slow cooking is the best option for beans, the longer the beans is cooked the more gas is released.
Don’t add salt while cooking, it is extremely important for the beans to be extremely tender to prevent gas and sodium prevents softening (add salt when the beans is tender enough to eat).
Beans can be prepared independently-just boiling to eat as part of a main meal or making beans porridge. Grown in Araromi Akanran (Ona Ara Local Govt) Ibadan.

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